Monday, August 13, 2018

Decisions Decisions Decisions

"Major" Decisions in College 

Can someone please explain to me how no one prepared me for how many decisions you have to make when you grow up and how much stress they cause. I know that they teach at a young age that as long as you make the decision to go to college that people will call you "successful". Why didn't anyone tell me when I was growing up that there are so many different options and directions you can take in life. You have so many decisions to make in life and going to college isn't the only way you will know if you will be successful in life. Deciding to go to college is just one of the many decisions that life starts you out with....the ones to follow are a lot more difficult. Where do I go to college? What do I major in? What am I going to make for dinner with 5 dollars that doesn't make me fat? These questions have been rumbling around in my head for 2 years now and I finally have to start buckling down and making decisions. I have to decide what my major is going to be and I have no clue at all what I want to do. I want to do so many different things that I don't want to be limited to only doing one major. I also don't want to be in school forever. 

There's so many decisions to be made in your 20's and some are small while others are big. Everyone is in a different spot in their life in their 20's. Some people are marrying their childhood sweetheart while others are getting drunk every other day. Some people are taking steps in college to pursue their masters and others decide to stop going to school. I think its amazing how no one told me all the different options you have in life to take. I was always shoved with the idea that I have to graduate high school and go to college. But why are we forcing our young teens into going to college when they don't know what they want to do with their life???? We need to let kids know all the many options they have and not force them into doing something they don't want to do. My outlook on college has changed a lot after 2 years. I am realizing that school may not be for me right now if I cant decide what I want to do. I do not want to leave the college I am at or my new friends, but at the same time I don't really have a vision or grasp on my future right now. I feel like a blind mouse trying to navigate college and don't feel confident in making any decisions. So who knows where I will end up at, if I will continue on and force a decision on a major that I am not 100% certain on or if I will pack up my bags and head home for awhile.